Trivial antonym
Trivial antonym

trivial antonym

Trivia is a word in Latin, the (neuter) plural of trivium “crossroads, intersection,” and the feminine singular of the adjective trivius “pertaining to a trivium ” (especially used as an epithet of the goddess Diana).

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Regarded as a three-part deity, Diana has been known by various names, including Diana Trivia and simply Trivia. Play millions of free online trivia quizzes. The equivalent of Hecate in Roman mythology is Diana (especially one of Diana’s multiple personae). petty, secondary, slight, trifling, trivial antonym: major 142 model minute 1 noun. In Greek mythology, Hecate, who is associated with the moon and the netherworld, presides over (three-way) crossroads, doorways, magic, witchcraft, necromancy, and sorcery, and is mentioned as such by Shakespeare in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, King Lear, and Macbeth. weak antonym: strong C D message 2 verb Fred to send messaged. The Latin adjective triviālis, “pertaining to a crossroads or to public streets common, vulgar, ordinary,” is a derivative of the classical Latin noun trivium meaning “the place where three roads meet, crossroads, intersection,” also “the street corner, the gutter (where bad character and manners are formed, and boys and young men ruined),” and finally the place sacred to the goddess Hecate. This Medieval Latin sense of trivium dates from the Carolingian Renaissance of the late 8th century at the court of Charlemagne. 39 synonyms for trivial: unimportant, little, small, minor, slight, everyday, petty, meaningless. He was playing the usual, common, “trivial” sense of trivial, “insignificant,” against its original English sense “pertaining to the trivium,” trivium being the first three of the seven liberal arts in the medieval university curriculum: (Latin) grammar, (Latin) rhetoric, and logic, so called because these subjects formed the “triple road to eloquence” ( triplex via ad eloquentiam ). crazy, cool 0 synonyms: big and huge (synonyms) slight (antonym) 2 important and significant (synonyms) trivial (antonym) 3 light and thin (synonyms). A) trivial B) difficult C) few D) effortless E) countless. They are quadrivial” is one of James Joyce’s innumerable puns. Find 8 ways to say TRIVIAL MATTER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Antonyms in english fully solved questions and answers useful for.

Trivial antonym